Monday, February 21, 2011


I'm uber excited for all the things that are arriving soon. Really excited. Call me a nerd, but I'm making little collages and outfits out of the stuff, and even going as far as to find pictures of things I already have and montaging them together. These are a few of the outfits I've come up with... with they all actually arrive, I'll put the outfit on a take a picture of it for you guys. : D

Sweater: Linea Blu. | Bootie: ZigiNY "Frankie" | Pants: Sinequanone | Bustier: f.i.t. | Belt: Nicole Miller | Muff/Purse: own | Pashmina: own | Nail polish: "Commander in Chic" by Sally Hansen CSM

Dress: ABS by Allen Schwartz | Coat: Nicole Miller | Tights: Cynthia Rowley | Palette: Revlon | Boots: Apepazza | Earrings: can't remember. XD

Tank: Custo Barcelona | Boots: OTBT | Leggings: isis | Sweatshirt: American Apparel | Polish: Revlon | Stud Earrings: Forever21

On another note, it's almost the end of the quarter, and I'm taking 2 psychology classes and a Spanish class. It's super interesting, but you have NO IDEA how much freakin' homework I have in my Abnormal Psychology class. o.o It's ridiculous. Not as ridiculous as it could be, but we have about 4 quizzes a week (online, so it's not THAT bad), and at least 3 or 4 articles we have to read and write a page or two about, along with several application assignments. So I'm going to be really busy for the next 2 weeks and probably won't post much. Not that you care.

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